Your digital workflow solution.

Digital SMART Flow stands for:
Simplify the Manufacturing of Accurate Restorations with Technology.
A uniquely complete digital workflow solution for all implant indications, Digital SMART Flow is open and comprehensive, with Elos Accurate products ranging from scan bodies to hybrid bases (ti-bases), PMAs, and Pre-Milled Blanks.

For less work and more flow.

Elos Digital Smart Flow Icons 1 2x results demand accurate beginnings.

Digital scanning is the initial, prerequisite step into a digital workflow. So it’s critical to get things right here. Inaccuracies and deviations at this phase can lead to re-workings and extra chair time down the line. That’s why we’re adding a new scan body—the ScanBody22—to the Digital SMART Flow product range. Thanks mainly to a new AccuScan® coating, it is probably the most accurate scan body on the market. And as it is autoclavable up to 100 times, the ScanBody22™ can be safely reused for multiple scannings.


Elos digital smart flow chart artboard 3 copy 8 2x

A solution for the entire workflow
Scan bodies. Hybrid bases, engaging and non-engaging (including those with angulation possibilities). Analogs for printed models. Pre-milled blanks. Digital SMART Flow has products for every workflow phase. And of course, we offer several free-to-download libraries containing all the relevant CAD/CAM parts for 3Shape, Dental Wings and exocad software.   

Open and flexible vs. narrow and complex

Digital SMART Flow puts you in charge, giving you the freedom to select platforms and components as you go. And of course, it enables in-house and outsourced production. Conventional workflows, on the other hand, lock you into pre-specified product lines, which can limit treatment options and impact outcomes.

Learn more about the free-to-download libraries here

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